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10:54 p.m. - 2005-11-14
Poetic Ramblings of a Neo in Flight
Poetic Ramblings of a Neo in Flight

I really don't have a lot of positive things to say. All that I can say is that it seems as though too many want something from me. If I stray out of the mold that has been predefined, or not "co-signing" onto madness - I am discarded until further notice. When everything is all good.

I am to play the position that I am given. I am to be my namesake even if that is not what I feel. This is when I do what I do best � keep it real.

There is not a thought of the tears that I have cried the pain that I feel, and the madness that has consumed me. The bones that are crushed, the heart that is broken, and the enduring sorrow that continues to plague me - and that was all today.

What about the bliss that I feel or the dreams that I have dreamt, the confusion that continuously try I sort out - and that was 5 minutes ago.

Those that want me so completely, adore me so fully but destroy because of what they cannot have from me. Do they know it, of course not? It does not fit it not the mold. God forbid it means that someone might be a f**ked up individual.

Maybe the misery has been all consuming and expected as the rejection of my happiness has been a push back for years and all I never had was fears but did you ever stop to think that maybe I searched for happiness too..

Maybe I reached out and dreamed the thought of Darius as my brother to the night?
Being the blues in my left thigh and the funk in my right?

Did you ever stop to think that my conclusion what the illusion of what I thought happiness could be and the one that promises to give it to me � doesn�t have that to give?

And those that want to do better and carve out love letters in past tenses, and picket fences with suburbia and security and, love unconditionally has uncovered the game that is being played. So when I give in will I be your eternal love or your verbal slave?

If it sounds like poetry it is. All to say I have nothing left to give..

Disclaimer: This article does not express the opinions of the literary company of Ciphasoul Communications. The expressions listed are those of the writer, and not those of the corporation. This may offend some but my thoughts are mine. Don't make perception reality - if you have questions don't assume the obvious.

Copyright - Ciphasoul Communications, LLC 2005 �




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